Our Approach Cultivating Best Ideas Across the Globe in Both the Public & Private Markets
We build tailored portfolios covering public and private markets. Investments are diversified across region, asset-class, size, style, and desired outcome. We embrace truly open architecture in accessing top-tier equity, fixed income, private equity/credit, venture, and real estate investment opportunities.
Portfolio Construction Creating Portfolios with True Diversification & Asymmetric Risk/Reward
Portfolio construction tailored to each client is perhaps our most important task, requiring deep research coupled with advanced portfolio analytics. We go beyond standard measures like volatility, beta, correlation, and covariance. We incorporate data such as factor exposures, risk bets, and scenario analysis.
Combining Active & Passive Management
While we are active in our constant pursuit of opportunities and investment ideas, we embrace research that suggests combining active and passive strategies is necessary to achieve optimal risk adjusted returns. By combining the two strategies, we can create portfolios that take advantage of timely opportunities and are more tax-efficient than strictly passive investments.